@Article{essd-14-1193-2022, AUTHOR = {Yan, X. and Zang, Z. and Li, Z. and Luo, N. and Zuo, C. and Jiang, Y. and Li, D. and Guo, Y. and Zhao, W. and Shi, W. and Cribb, M.}, TITLE = {A global land aerosol fine-mode fraction dataset (2001--2020) retrieved from MODIS using hybrid physical~and deep learning approaches}, JOURNAL = {Earth System Science Data}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {2022}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1193--1213}, URL = {https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/14/1193/2022/}, DOI = {10.5194/essd-14-1193-2022} }